SHA2025 Already have an account? Login. Price: $95 for access until February 15, 2026 First Name:* First Name Required Last Name:* Last Name Required Highest level of education: Highest level of education is not valid Please select oneHigh schoolSpecialized CertificateTwo-year diploma from a post-secondary institutionFour-year degree from a post-secondary institutionGraduate degree Occupation: Occupation is not valid Please select oneRecreation Therapist/Therapeutic Recreation SpecialistRecreation Therapy Manager/SupervisorActivity Coordinator/DirectorRecreation Therapy Assistant/AideAllied Health Professional (PT, OT, etc.)Allied Health Therapy Aide/AssistantAdministrator, Director, Manager, CoordinatorClinical Practice LeadEducatorResearcherStudentOther Are you a CTRS?: Are you a CTRS? is not valid Please select oneYesNo Company/Facility (i.e., Alberta Health Services, University of Lethbridge, Interior Health): Company/Facility (i.e., Alberta Health Services, University of Lethbridge, Interior Health) is not valid Professional Affiliation (Check all that apply): Professional Affiliation (Check all that apply) is not valid Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) American Therapeutic Recreation Association Association Quebecoise du loisir municipal Australian Diversional Therapy Association British Columbia Parks and Recreation Association British Columbia Therapeutic Recreation Association (BCTRA) Canadian Parks and Recreation Association Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Coalition for Active Living National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification Newfoundland and Labrador Therapeutic Recreation Association Nova Scotia Therapeutic Recreation Association NWT Recreation & Parks Association Parks and Recreation Ontario Quebec Recreation Association Recreation and Parks Association of Nunavut Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon Recreation Connections Manitoba Recreation New Brunswick Recreation Newfoundland and Labrador Recreation Nova Scotia Recreation PEI Saskatchewan Association of Recreation Professionals Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Other Primary employment setting: Primary employment setting is not valid Please select oneAcute or Restorative CareAdult Day ProgramOutpatient Day TreatmentInpatient ServicesCommunity or Home CareForensic Assessment or CorrectionalLodge or Independent LivingContinuing Care or Facility-based LivingPrivate PracticeRehabilitationResidentialSeniors Centre or Community CentreSupported or Assisted LivingOther Clientele: Clientele is not valid Acute or Restorative Care Addictions and Mental Health Pediatrics, Children and Adolescents Developmental Disabilities Older adults Rehabilitation Veterans Palliative (End of Life) Care Other How did you hear about us?: How did you hear about us? is not valid Bio: Bio is not valid I understand that all sales are final and no refunds will be issued* I agree to the Terms and Conditions, Refund policy, Acceptable use policy and Disclaimer* Email:* Invalid Email Password:* Invalid Password Password Confirmation:* Password Confirmation Doesn't Match Have a coupon? Coupon Code: Invalid Coupon Please fix the errors above