Therapeutic Recreation in Continuing Care
We are a non-profit organization promoting innovation, research, and advancement of therapeutic recreation in continuing care
Sign up to earn CEU’s today!
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Who we are
The Centre of Excellence for Therapeutic Recreation in Continuing Care (TRCoE) is a not-for-profit organization. We offer evidence-based, applied resources designed to help ensure residents in continuing care experience high quality therapeutic recreation programming that enables an enhanced sense of meaning, purpose, and joy.
Why Become a Member?

Earn NCTRC pre-approved Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by participating in our Courses
We offer e-learning opportunities that cover a wide variety of topics including:
- Assessment & Documentation
- Moving from Diversional Activities to Therapeutic Programming
- Relational Care for People with Dementia
- Research & Innovation
- Modalities & Interventions

Access specialized training on the implementation of the Dementia Practice Guideline for Recreational Therapy: Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
Working with individuals who have dementia is rewarding and can also be challenging. This course will provide you with extensive training in using the Dementia Practice Guideline for Recreational Therapy in your practice. After completion of seven modules and passing the competency exams, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. This evidence-based guideline and training will improve your skills, recreational therapy practice, and the lives of your residents.

Dementia Practice Guideline for Recreational Therapy
This evidence-based practice guide provides a reliable approach to positive behaviour change in dementia care settings. Aimed at practicing therapeutic recreation specialists who work with older adults, this guide includes screening and assessment tools as well as 76 evidenced-based intervention protocols.
Membership is not required to purchase.

Access innovative and proven therapeutic recreation programming ideas in our Program Plan Exchange
The Program Plan Exchange is a place to share Therapeutic Recreation programs that demonstrate positive outcomes for residents/clients. Members who publish a program in our Program Plan Exchange are eligible to receive 1.0 CEUs.

Explore the Sharing Centre to build knowledge, find resources, and create networking opportunities
The purpose of this space is to create a culture of collaboration and community among Recreation Therapist working in continuing care settings. Here, members are invited to share knowledge, resources, tips and tools that help them provide meaningful and effective therapeutic recreation services.

Become a Member Today!
- Earn CEUs and expand your knowledge
- Gain unlimited access to programs, resources, tips and tools shared by fellow members
- Network with, and support, therapeutic recreation professionals from around the world